Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Oh my word. How can it be nearly December?.I have not posted on my blog since May which is truly a shame and I am going to put that right by sharing a few musings. The best news of the year has been the arrival of our gorgeous granddaughter Freya born on 16th October. Already six weeks old she has brought a lot of joy to my small family of doting adults and here she is...
Friday, May 3, 2013
Lovely Blog
If you would like to browse a lovely blog this weekend, then pop over to Rachel's blog.Look at this amazing cushion she has made.Love,love it.Rachel is very talented and creative and would love to gain some more followers.Im sure if you call in she'll put the kettle on lol!
Here's the link:
Have a brilliant bank holiday weekend.
Anne x
Here's the link:
Have a brilliant bank holiday weekend.
Anne x
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Dust catchers......
It has finally happened...I have turned into my grandmother...I have a sudden longing for ornaments.....strangely kitsch ornaments of the animal kind.Its funny but when you start looking, they seem to be everywhere.My Mum calls them dust catchers but I think they are quite engaging...Here are a few of my booty/charity shop discoveries.All costing between 10p and £ not exactly breaking the bank but giving me a great deal of pleasure.....and very addictive
Love the little mouse with the outsize ears
Another cat that's got out of the basket....
Simply love these little kittens
A sweet little vase
Sweet little dogs and little bambi (that's a whole other addiction)Love the little mouse with the outsize ears
My dresser full of pretty china and dustcatchers...there really is no accounting for taste. .
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Happy Easter
Well it may not be Spring weather at the moment but Easter is still my favourite time of year.It is bitterly cold here in N,Yorks but at least it's dry and we have seen glimpses of the sun for more than three seconds.
On Easter Sunday it is my 29th wedding anniversary and on that date in 1984 it snowed after the wedding photos had been taken and didn't stop until lunchtime the next day, so this type of weather is obviously cyclical and not as freaky as everyone seems to think.Anyway whatever the weather I hope Easter finds you with those you love and brings you happiness, relaxation and maybe a little chocolate.
Anne x
This is my favourite teaset of the moment.Definitely the perfect anniversary present..........
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Another Sunday....

Finally a little bit of time to myself..Have enjoyed lying in bed and reading Selina Lake's new book Pretty Pastel Style which is a lovely book but not my favourite.I think Homespun style is more my thing.But it has reminded me how a mix of pastels can lift a room and I have also realised how much pastel enamelware I actually own and remembered my beautiful pink enamel kettle that is presently languishing in a box under the stairs and how you can change things so easily for example by swapping a cushion in your bedroom for one in your living room etc You don't have to keep buying new stuff.What you need or think you want is probably in your house already.I love all these pretty..
I have always loved pink and have a few pieces of painted furniture in my house and shop.My current favourite colour combination and has been for some time is pale pink and it.
What to do now? The sun came out briefly and I was almost excited but it has now been replaced by the usual greyness that seems to be the norm at the moment.There were huge flakes of settling snow at five thirty this morning so the greyness is definitely an improvement.Cheryl and I have missed our jaunt to the car boot which has become our Sunday happy time.It was just too horrid this morning and the duvet too cosy so maybe next week...I am going to change the shop windows later today and try and inject a little bit of Selina styling into the upstairs room.I also have a yearning to go to Whitby for a ride out and a walk on the beach. I have a rotten cold and I think I need some sea air in my lungs Kill or cure!Maybe a bit of cake making later just what you need on a Sunday afternoon..
Whatever you do today enjoy your time and make the most of it .Much love Anne x
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Mothers Day..
Friday, February 8, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Loving in January.....
This new range from Jan Constantine
Snow....yes it's been snowing for two hours...
Lacy treasures from the Linen Garden
What are you loving now?
Have a great weekend. Anne x
Snow....yes it's been snowing for two hours...
Lacy treasures from the Linen Garden
What are you loving now?
Have a great weekend. Anne x
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Jeremy Hush
A little distraction from the snow.I love Jeremy Hush who draws the most amazing is a taste...
His seemingly delicate and elaborate drawings reveal a darker side upon closer inspection and show the decay in nature....I love how he is influenced by Arthur Rackham another favourite illustrator..
His seemingly delicate and elaborate drawings reveal a darker side upon closer inspection and show the decay in nature....I love how he is influenced by Arthur Rackham another favourite illustrator..
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
I finally managed to sort out my camera.These photos show some of my makeovers.Most were sold at the vintage fair.I rather stupidly didn't do the before pictures but I think you can get the idea.They are all former ugly ducklings which I rescued and revived and many have gone to other homes where they are enjoying happy and fulfilled lives.
I however,apparently,do not need a make-over as a class of lovely five year olds today decided I only look 26 which as a fast declining fifty four yr old I will accept very gratefully.From the mouth of babes.Don't you just love 'em?lol.Enjoy your week Anne x
I however,apparently,do not need a make-over as a class of lovely five year olds today decided I only look 26 which as a fast declining fifty four yr old I will accept very gratefully.From the mouth of babes.Don't you just love 'em?lol.Enjoy your week Anne x
Monday, January 7, 2013
Just had to show you the most beautiful quilt in the world, made for me by my amazingly talented sister Jules.The photo just doesn't do it justice.The light has been fairly rubbish lately but I just wanted to show you...the colours are so vibrant and make my heart sing.It's backed with a vintage wool blanket so it's quite heavy and incredibly warm.I love,love,love it and I love my sister for being so clever and generous with her time and talents......are you jealous???
Lol Anne x
Getting creative in 2013...
Just about to tackle the mess in my creative space. Need to do 31& 33 but rather fancy
5, 7, 9, & 22 lol x
Thursday, January 3, 2013
I'm enjoying these last few remnants of the holiday and don't want to get back on the hamster wheel.Still not feeling very well and keep falling asleep.I think it's best to give in and have had no problem lozicking about.I did manage a quick errand to buy some courgettes and then decided to visit the library I generally buy books from Les the secondhand book man who is located by the Station where you can pick up recent novels for as little as £2.However in the interests of total frugality I have rejoined the library and have discovered some really good books.However what I find totally shocking is that libraries are no longer venerable institutions of learning and study in hushed tones.People shout at the top of their voices,drink coffee and read aloud stories in the children's area- more like a community centre four women were yelling at each other about how one of them had lent some money to their sister in law and she hadn't paid it back on and on blah,blah it was impossible to concentrate on the printed word.I guess it's a sign of the times but I don't like it.
Tomorrow I shall have to take down the trees and put away the decorations rather sadly.I am inspired by Niki tidy my work room so hopefully will be able to show you the fruits of my labour tomorrow.In the meantime a little bit of motivation...
Anne x
Tomorrow I shall have to take down the trees and put away the decorations rather sadly.I am inspired by Niki tidy my work room so hopefully will be able to show you the fruits of my labour tomorrow.In the meantime a little bit of motivation...
Anne x
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
The day started badly as upon waking my throat felt as if I had been sleeping all night with my mouth open...a restorative cup of tea did not make any difference and I have felt pretty off colour all day not ill just not quite right..I have spent the best part of the day sorting out stuff and moving things from one place to another, but I am putting off taking down my Christmas decorations as the rooms look so pretty so I think I will leave the lights up for the duration of the winter as they make everywhere look cosier.I then had to go to 'fat club'for my weekly weigh in and was not at all surprised to learn I have gained 4lbs over the Christmas period and I have to sayI enjoyed every mouthful of cheese, chocolate, chocolate mousse/torte/icecream,mincepies,daim bars and cake.(Not to mention three Christmas dinners on the bounce!)I just needed a little holiday to remember how amazing those foods are and how horrible they make me feel in the long term.Hey ho.You have to experience the valleys to appreciate the mountains and I think I was on the way to being a mountain all by myself...So day three of this new year will find me thoroughly resigned to getting back on track with thoughts of Spring and warm sunshine which are just down the road...So tea but no cake.
Anne x
Anne x
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New year
Well it feels really good to say goodbye to 2012 which has not been a kind year in this neck of the woods.There have been some good moments,some defining moments and some moments where I thought my whole body would just expire from the sheer weight of stress and feelings of inadequacy and insecurity but it is so true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.The 'kindness of strangers' has been surprisingly sustaining and I have been touched by the support and encouragement I have received from many corners and lovely friends and family.
I have seriously neglected my blog and have dipped my toe in the water that is Facebook but I have not felt comfortable with baring my soul too much or giving my opinions for fear of being too sentimental,vitriolic or sounding whiney or full of self pity and not wanting certain people to know about my life.If I sound a bit paranoid then I guess then I am.
However,I love to write and my camera and laptop are not enabling me to do this easily.(My laptop currently has a cracked screen where I stood on it by accident and I have to use Firefox to post as Explorer has stolen the photo icon) so the whole blog thing is exhausting.Enough of this self denial and rubbish carry on.My Mum gave me a sum of money a few years ago to buy something I really wanted or needed,so I am off to PC World to get sorted and I will be a better blogger and be able to bore the pants of all of you with my ramblings and witterings.
In short dear bloggy friends-you have been the best.Thank you for reading my blog which has little to shout about compared to the many talented girls out there in the blogishere.
Having skulked my way through most of 2012 feeling not myself for the most part I am ready to throw myself into 2013.I don't intend to give anything up.Moderation is my mantra....let's keep scattering kindness and try a little wordlessness now and again to reboot our souls.
Wishing you health and happiness with much love Annex
Ps Had to use images from pinterest for the last time!!Thank you.....
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