Sunday, April 25, 2010
Happy Birthday
Crochet,cake,lemon cake.carrot cake,chocolate cake and strawberry tarts
and did I mention cake?
Today my little sister is still a mere slip of a girl and is 46 years young.The sisterhood had a meeting and ate a lot of cake and did some knitting and some crochet and Lottie our youngest regaled us with tales about her love life and her night out in York which left us more mature girls agog!!
Oh and a bit of patchworking see birthday girl Jules above with patchwork passion,nearly finished.....Check out Julessewpretty on my blogs I follow
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Car boot love..

Rob Ryan love..

I have been a fan of Rob Ryan's work for a long time now.I first came across him when I stocked his cards through Roger la Borde and he did a huge advertising campaign for John Lewis at Christmas as well as recently exhibiting at the Yorkshire Sculpture park.Yesterday he blogged about the cover of the Independent magazine and here it is.I am really keen to have a go at paper cutting as the intensity of it really appeals to me.I imagine its pretty dangerous too!(You can buy prints of his work at la famille summerbelle).
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Beautiful things...
Here are the Pip studio towels which have arrived in the shop.I love,love them and don't know which one I love the most-probably the blue one.They come two sizes hand towel and bath towel and are available in the shop or online.

Click on the link to visit my on-line shop
Silver Cross
This is a picture of Logan my friend Christine's eight month old grandson.We were at post natal classes together nearly twenty four years ago and its incredible to realise that she is now a grandmother.Talk about how to feel ancient in a heart beat!
I just had to photograph his gorgeous vintage(the lady that she bought it from has seven, yes seven children and she used it with all of them)Silver Cross pram.It is soooo much nicer some of the buggies you see today.For a start he can sit up high and really see everything and it's brilliant when he's out in the garden catching the sun and fresh air.Isn't he a bonny baby?Indeed he looked like a baby who is at one with the elements and had a lovely colour from being outside in the spring sunshine.He was also wearing a beautiful, handknitted hooded top.Chris was laughing as people kept stopping her in the street and asking what it was and did she get it from the 'olden days'.My Mum had a lovely navy silver cross pram and she used to perch me on the front when my brother was a baby and we'd walk miles with her shopping loaded underneath.What a shame they are no longer deemed fashionable.They really are so elegant.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Oh the menfolk are scratching while the hen folk are hatching....
Monday, April 5, 2010
Reasons to be cheerful on a miserable bank holiday weekend.....

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