Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New year

Well it feels really good to say goodbye to 2012 which has not been a kind year in this neck of the woods.There have been some good moments,some defining moments and some moments where I thought my whole body would just expire from the sheer weight of stress and feelings of inadequacy and insecurity but it is so true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.The 'kindness of strangers' has been surprisingly sustaining and I have been touched by the support and encouragement I have received from many corners and lovely friends and family.
I have seriously neglected my blog and have dipped my toe in the water that is Facebook but I have not felt comfortable with baring my soul too much or giving my opinions for fear of being too sentimental,vitriolic or sounding whiney or full of self pity and not wanting certain people to know about my life.If I sound a bit paranoid then I guess then I am.
However,I love to write and my camera and laptop are not enabling me to do this easily.(My laptop currently has a cracked screen where I stood on it by accident and I have to use Firefox to post as Explorer has stolen the photo icon) so the whole blog thing is exhausting.Enough of this self denial and rubbish carry on.My Mum gave me a sum of money a few years ago to buy something I really wanted or needed,so I am off to PC World to get sorted and I will be a better blogger and be able to bore the pants of all of you with my ramblings and witterings.
In short dear bloggy friends-you have been the best.Thank you for reading my blog which has little to shout about compared to the many talented girls out there in the blogishere.
Having skulked my way through most of 2012 feeling not myself for the most part I am ready to throw myself into 2013.I don't intend to give anything up.Moderation is my mantra....let's keep scattering kindness and try a little wordlessness now and again to reboot our souls.
Wishing you health and happiness with much love Annex

Ps Had to use images from pinterest for the last time!!Thank you.....


Tilly Rose said...

A lovely post Anne...

We are very similar!
Here's to a year full of memories.

Happy New Year
Tilly x

lemonade kitty said...

Happy new year Anne, looking forward to reading your posts and visiting your lovely shop again this year, Lucey x