This cushion was cross stitched by my very clever and talented sister Jules for my eldest son James when he was very small (Now 23) and it comes out every year.Its truly beautiful and a real heirloom.When I can find Harry's I will post that too.

£1 from a charity shop stored in last years M&S gift set jar

My red themed dresser

My very small tree

The mantelpieceover the wood burner
Now that school is out I have fuinally been able to potter about at home. Having done Christmas at the shop and school I must say my heart has not really been singing as it should. I reckon that's probably due to sheer exhaustion.(snow,inspection,reports,Christmas shopping stc)However, I shall be a much better blogger now I have a bit more time and having some daylight time in which to take some photographs. The above photos are the start of my Christmas preparations.