Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Seven things you don't know about me...

What a lovely surprise. The lovely Emma of Sylvie's garden has passed on the Stylish blogger award  and I now have to reveal seven things you didn't know about me.So thank you Emma and I am now racking my brains......

I have a french degree and spent a year living in France near Nantes, teaching English.My mentor Gurlois used to ride to school on his horse...

My eyesight is terrible but I do wear my glasses sometimes but am too squeamish to try contact lenses as I hate anything in my eyes....
Tea is my favourite drink and the first cup of the day is always the best.I prefer to drink tea from bone china and have a daily cappucino in an earthernware mug......

I love old books and collect vintage school books.The earliest is a mental maths book from 1905.I have hymn books,learn to read books and many old children's books.....

I am terrified of rats due to a close encounter with one when I was about ten and had gone outside to the coal bunker to fill the coal bucket when this huge rat slithered over my foot and I remember the sensation of it's tail as it passed over and I still feel sick. It was like something out of a James Herbert novel.

I collect quilts and eiderdowns and have far too many but I love them so much it's an addiction.

I love Brazil nuts especially as they are covered in chocolate.....
Anne x


sylviesgarden said...

Anne, I loved reading your post. I have the same problem with contact lenses as you. My eyesight is truly terrible and whilst I hate wearing glasses there is no way that I could put something in my eyes.
Thank you so much for taking part.

Mac n' Janet said...

You'd love contacts, they don't feel like anything in your eye and I'm squeamish as all get out about my eyes.

Pearl said...

Beautiful post!
I love the vintage books!
