I cannot believe how much time has elapsed since I last blogged.I'm very busy at school-We have and inspection tomorrow.(No pressure there!) I have a Nativity play to write and many end of term reports to do which is making me very grumpy as I just want to knit and fiddle about with my gift wrapping.Anyway hope you are all well and feeling 'Christmassy' as Michael the funniest man in the world McIntyre would say.'I can't believe its December already....' I have decided to put out my decorations a little at a time so the pleasure is drawn out and of course one must have a sherry at the same time! (I'm also sending a prayer to the angel of the christmas lights that they will work when I put them up.) I'mtrying to having a homespun Christmas and my lovely friend Jilly has a wonderful idea.If you have a lot of family to buy for then put the names in a hat and share the load between you. The rule is you have to buy something for a £1, something from a charity shop(No price limit) and you have to make something.I love this idea and I have either made presents or I have bought handmade.Lets keep it simple, girls!
I love the Dickens quote 'Hold Christmas in your heart and try to keep it all the year'.Let us spread the goodwill and love.........