On the subject of subscriptions, yes, you can save money but in doing so you are indirectly taking the sale away from your local newsagent.It's so easy to put newspaper and favourite mag in the supermarket trolley, again a lost sale for the newsagent.I am lucky eough to live in a small town with three butchers,three newsagents two greengrocers and three bakery shops.In the present mood of austerity when everyone is trying to push the bottom line. I personally feel duty bound to use those shops rather than the supermarket and will only buy what I cannot get in the market place from the local supermarket.Yes it not so convenient but it is so much more pleasant with lovely personal service and it keeps the town alive.I also use a milkman and a window cleaner and buy books in book shops not online so that I feel in some small way I am helping to keep people in jobs .Use it or lose it....karma....pay it forward ..just a thought......
Anne x