Friday, October 22, 2010

Infant Art...

One of the most rewarding things about teaching infants is their total lack of inhibition when it comes to being creative.They don't faf around or agonise over colours or wonder about the end result..they just do it and I am always amazed by their ingenuity.I treach both year one and two (aged 5-7yrs) and as art is one of my huge loves we do a lot of it and I always try to incorporate a creative angle in all that we do...bon voyage cards for migrating swallows...sleep signs for hibernating hedgehogs..They are always making and cutting and sticking and love I thought Id show you some of our recent seasonal work..The pictures aren't the best as the light was not great but  it gives you an idea....

This is a handprint hedgehog by a five year old.
This is a collaborative efffort.All the children painted and cut out letters spelling autumn then I just let them loose with the pritt sticks and this is what they did...I love it.
This was a colour mixing exercise witht he five year olds..We displaed them altogether like an autumn patchwork blanket..
These are sunflowers based on Van Gogh's interpretation...They had a lot of fun making these and then used pastels and acrylics to give the flowers somr depth..They look so effective and the whole exercise incorporates a lot of different skills...
This is my favourite.These blackberries are again a collaborative exercise where each team had to make huge blackberries after sponging lots of different shades.It isn't finshed yet as it needs a spider and a web and some much bigger leaves..I will show the final result after half term...I love it as it's sculptural qualityis really effective.The photo doesn't really do it justice.Anyway thought you'd enjoy a glimpse of my world, at school.


wendy said...

What a lovely post! I think the artwork is faantastic. At that age they have such vivid imaginations and like you say, no messing...just go for it.
Looking forward to seeing the finished brambles. Wendy x

Mac n' Janet said...

I'm impressed! You must really inspire them.
I taught 8 year olds (that's 3rd grade here) and did art with them but never got the results you've gotten here.

Lynne said...

Love the art work. Like you, I just love childrens artwork.
What a shame about the little kitten.

dutch sisters said...

Great art work! I also did an art project about Van Gogh, if you want to check out....
groetjes Heleen